Please like and share: I am sorry to post this to all parents when I

Please like and share:

I am sorry to post this to all parents when I know that a large majority of you act in a very responsible way during pick up and drop off times.

Every month across the UK there are around 1,100 children injured during the school run. In 2012 there were more than 800 serious and fatal injuries to children during school runs. This amounts to one-third of all child deaths and serious injury. These are the accidents that happen within 500 yards of school gates.

These shocking statistics should be enough to shame all parents into driving and parking considerately during the school run but unfortunately for us this is not the case.

I truly believe that unless some of our parents take these statistics very seriously and act more responsibly then it will not be long before an Old Park pupil is seriously injured.

I hear of, and see parents dropping pupils off at the last minute at the side of the road near the school gates, open the car door and allow them to enter school alone.

I see parents park half on and half off the pavement, blocking it for pedestrians. Worse still, parents choose to mount the pavement whilst children are walking on it just expecting them to move.

We have parents frequently breaking the law and parking on double yellow lines or zigzags. I see parents parking dangerously on corners or blocking the driveways of local residents or even parking on someone else’s drive!

Most disturbing is when responsible parents challenge such anti-social parking and driving behaviours they are then subjected to abuse.

As a school we work hard to guide the children to become law abiding, responsible and considerate citizens. However, a minority of parents are not supporting this ethos when they chose to put children at risk.

Ask yourselves the following questions:
Do I park considerately during the school run?
Do I have to drive during the school run?
Do I drive with greater caution as I am within the vicinity of a school?
Do I leave early enough to ensure I have time to park appropriately before drop off and collection?
Could I reduce congestion by driving half way and walking the rest?

How would you feel if you caused injury to a child?

Please help the school to tackle this problem by being considerate and join our campaign. I urge every parent at Old Park to commit to being a good role model on the school run and pledge that they will be considerate.

The School Run: I Am Considerate.

If you agree with this message then make this pledge and like & share and showing your support of this campaign with the words…

I am considerate.

Support this campaign and help the school get this message across to all parents today.

We will be arranging posters, banners and car stickers to promote this message over the remainder of the Spring term, we will start fundraising for these resources starting with a non-uniform day on Friday 16th February with a 50p donation. Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

The children, staff and governors of Old Park Primary.

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